How to have the Windows XP-style Quick Launch bar in Windows 10

Almost every Windows user has Windows 10 now and the new operating system has many exiting features and functions that makes computing lot more easier then any other previous version could offer. Many people have upgraded From Windows 7 or 8 in past one year but there are lot of users who were actually using Windows XP till now and finally bought a new computer and got shifted to Windows 10. Windows XP was one of the most famous operating system of Microsoft and those who have used it for a long time must be aware of the facility named Quick Launch.

Quick Launch is a Toolbar which helps users to access frequently used applications quickly from the taskbar. If you just drag any file, folder or drive over the Quick Launch Toolbar and drop it then the shortcut gets created. You can remove any shortcut by just right clicking from Quick Launch toolbar or folder location and select delete from the list.

Here in this article we would tell you that how can you bring Quick Launch in your Windows 10 main screen and use it like your old Windows XP Desktop screen.

If you are using a mouse then right click and if you have a touch screen then press and hold the empty place of the taskbar and when the context menu appears, select Toolbar > New Toolbar

  • File Explorer page will open up where at the bottom you need to paste the following location

%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

%UserProfile% refers to your actual user profile in Windows 10 as it contains information about the system environment, Thus, you have no need to type your username over there.

  • After that, click or tap on Select Folder

Quick launch toolbar will be added to your taskbar and will appear on the right side along with a title. If you want, you can move it to the left side.

  • Right click on the empty space of your taskbar and uncheck ‘Lock the Taskbar’
  • Now two parallel lines or dotted lines will appear on the taskbar next to your Quick Launch
  • Press and hold those lines and drag your Quick Launch toolbar towards the left

If you don’t want to see Title and Text then,

  • Right click on Quick Launch
  • Uncheck Show Title and Show text
  • If you want, uncheck Show Task View Button too
  • If you want to change the view of icons, click on View and select Large
  • Lock the Taskbar again.

You can turn off Cortana to get it more closer to Windows XP type look. In order to turn off Cortana you can,

  • Click on Cortana
  • Click on Settings on the left side of Cortana Window
  • Toggle and turn off Cortana

Let us also give you the information about removing the Quick Launch from the task bar in future in case you don’t like it. All you need to do is just right click on the empty space of you Taskbar > Click on Toolbars > Uncheck Quick Launch.