Features thats new in Xbox Dashboard Update 2012

Today Microsoft has started rolling out the new Dashboard update and it looks much better than its last year update because of better placement of features like Recently used items, ability to add apps, games music etc. to Home Section. It also has created a section for Xbox to advertise new upcoming games, all tailored according to your interest.

So here is the list of things you should notice and try out as you get the update. Like I said its being rolled out, so you may see it coming in next 2 weeks max.

My Pins :   This is similar to Pin to Start except that’s it’s into a folder. You can pin contents like Movies, Websites, TV Shows, Apps etc. in one place for quicker access. This makes it a lot easy for you to access your favourite contents without getting lost in tons of tiles and menu options.

Xbox 360 My Pins and Recent

Recent :  This is not something new but it has been positioned well this time and It gives you quick access to list of apps and games you had recently used.  It keeps updating as you use, so if you need a permanent solution, use Pins.

Ratings :  It is much easier to rate any content or app. All you will need is. go to details which is usually accessible through X button on the controller.  You can give rating between one to five stars. The same place allows you to PIN and Unpin.

Xbox Game Ratings

Add Location to your Console :

  •  Location : Settings > System > Console Settings > Console name

If you have multiple Xbox in your house, you can choose to set location like Living Room, Family Room, Game Room or anything you like. This is useful when you use smart glass feature ( Like playing music from Windows to Xbox ), as it will show the name as you set here.

Xbox Console Name


Enable / Disable Smartglass and Play To :

  • Location : Settings > System > Console Settings > Connected Devices

This feature enables you to Turn Smartglass feature on and Off on your Xbox. You can also choose if any other device can use Play to, to stream video and music. An option is available if you want to allow game interruptions.

Xbox Smartglass and Playto Feature

Manage Exercise Info : 

  • Location : Settings > Profile > Manage Exercise Info

This update now allows Xbox to centralize your exercise stats by collecting first the basic data like your age, height and eight and then adding fitness scores like calorie burned, time played, physical intensity of movement and feedback from physical activity.

Internet Explorer : This is one of the major changes on Xbox which brings a full screen visualization of webpage on your TV. You can browse, add favourites, keep it in sync with your other devices etc. Read our complete coverage on how to use it, shortcuts etc here.

Watch on YouTube

Powerful & Enhanced Search :  Now Bing can help you find content according to Genre i.e Action, Comedy etc and that includes videos from YouTube.

Xbox Music : Microsoft recently announced Xbox Music service which is free streaming service and this will be rolled out with Xbox 360 dashboard update. You will also have option for  Music subscription services and Music purchasing options. This will be more or less the same as Zune Pass but just rebranded. Read more about it here

Xbox Music Pass

 This also means that all existing Zune Pass users will be getting an upgrade to Xbox Music and there are two features which will be of major interest :

  1. Xbox Music will have cloud integration. This means all your Playlist and Music collection will be able to sync across multiple devices including Xbox and Windows 8 PC and Windows Phone 8 devices.
  2. You will be able to import playlist from Xbox Music to Windows 8 PC and Tablets.
Ashish Mohta
A die-hard fan of Windows, PC Gaming, and Xbox. He is a seasoned content writer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is a specialist in writing about Windows, software reviews, troubleshooting Windows, and automation.


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