XBox How-To

One of the best guides on Xbox One How-to, Tutorials so you can use Xbox in a better way. Right from installing an update to updating a controller to installing a game to manage your child account on the console

Xbox One App Tips and Tricks on Windows 10

Xbox One App on Windows 10 is the most important app for gamer on Xbox One gamer and the PC. It has lot of features that you will love, and make...

How to Stream Xbox One & Xbox 360 Games to Windows 10

Microsoft announced its Xbox One streaming feature sometimes back,  and while it all sounded exciting, we really were skeptical on how everything will work. Good news is that Microsoft has done...

How to Play Xbox 360 Games on Xbox One (Backward Compatible)

The biggest announce at E3 for Xbox 360 users was the backward compatibility on Xbox One for both digital game and disc based games. While Microsoft is planning to support 100...

How to Auto Turn ON / OFF TV with Xbox One

It's always nice that the TV turns on as well when you turn on the Xbox One. Most of us will be using a controller to turn on Xbox One and...

How to Set an Image as Xbox One Background & Preview Before That

Xbox One team announced new customisation options for Xbox one on Monday which included the ability to choose a custom colour and even use a achievement as background. This is being...

Record Xbox One Gameplay in 1080 / 60 FPS with Elgato Capture Box

Xbox One has native integration which allows you to record game plays and share it over video streaming sites like YouTube and Twitch. When I used an Xbox 360, I was using...
Xbox Smartglass Features

How to use Smartglass App with Xbox 360

What is Xbox Smartglass :  In simple words, you can now ditch your controller for most of the things except playing games with Xbox. This app is a natural extension of Xbox...
Select Multiple Gamertags on Xbox Send message

Xbox : How to send same message to multiple or all the friends

Sending a message to multiple friends is something you should be doing often either to set up a game party or when online and you want to join in an existing party,...
Xbox Game Ratings

Features thats new in Xbox Dashboard Update 2012

Today Microsoft has started rolling out the new Dashboard update and it looks much better than its last year update because of better placement of features like Recently used items, ability...
IE 10 Shortcuts Controller

Guide to IE on Xbox 360 and using Controller to browse the web

Finally a browser has come to your TV and if you had not liked browsing through your smart tv and Xbox had always been your priority, you will be happy about...

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